Friday, December 24, 2010


As we started on our game drive yesterday morning, our driver gave us the sad news that a rare black rhino was found shot & killed, & his horns cut off.  To think it was one of the 3 black rhinos we saw made me heartsick.  Our whole group was stunned & outraged.  We've taken these animals into our hearts & for someone to callously kill one of them ...... it's a real tragedy.  Many people believe the rhino's horn, when ground & ingested, is an aphrodisiac.  Our driver said the Prime Minister was flying to the bush to see this travesty for himself & decide what action to take.  As we continued on our game drive, we saw the Prime Minister's plane land at the airport.  Later still, his whole entourage passed us by on the road.  It really put a damper on our day.

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