Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Not Quite There Yet

As you know Clara & I have done our fair share of travelling over the years; however, in all those trips we've taken we've never flown anything other than economy.  (It could have something to do with how cheap I am but I'm not sure.)  Anyway, for this trip, we cashed in all of our frequent flyer miles and decided to go business class. 

In the "words" of a 12 year old:  OMG!!!

It's like when you were told growing up never to do drugs because you would automatically become addicted.  I don't know how we can ever go back to economy again.  Even when we got off the plane in Frankfurt for our 7 hour layover the fun never stopped.  We were directed by 20 helpful people to the Business Class Lounge with its fine leather chairs and endless supply of Warsteiner.  In fact, Clara took the advice of our friend Manfred (one of our faithful followers and someone who travels more than Clara) and is now showering in some of Frankfurt's finest water.  While Manfred claims the showers in the Munich airport are better than Frankfurt, Clara might just disagree.

I know I promised to post photos from Dubai and Africa, but I kind of like it here. 

But enough about the flights and the free beer.  I promise the next post will have something to do with our actual vacation.

Until next time.


  1. Matt, you probably think you died and went to heaven....free beer!!!! Sweet. Did they have any stuffed pretzels because I would want some of those....oh wait, they're gone.
