Wednesday, December 29, 2010


(This post was originally scheduled for release on Sunday December 26th.)

After our wonderful first night at the Mt Kenya Safari Club we had breakfast and headed out for our morning of game driving in the Ol Pejeta Conservancy which includes the Sweetwaters Preserve and the Jane Goodall Chimp Sanctuary.  There are currently 41 chimpanzees housed at the sanctuary in two separate groups (27 in one group and 14 in the other group).  All of the chimps here have been rescued from lives as pets or tourist attractions, and sadly they will never be released into the wild because they could never adapt to life there.  They have just spent too much time in cages or chained to trees to survive if left on their own.  They are also suffering from a lot of “mental” issues and are not the most stable animals.  When we got to the end of our little tour of the grounds there was of course a place to make donations.  It took Clara only about 2 seconds to get to the head of the line, and we are now the proud foster parents of a chimp named Poco.  We actually got to see him, and he makes anyone with ADD seem like a cloistered monk.  He ran up and down the fence line with a stick making as much noise as he could.  He knows the fence is electric, and that is why he uses the stick---so he won’t get shocked.  He was kept in a small cage for 9 years as a roadside attraction, but still loves the attention of humans.

When we left the sanctuary we headed out in search of animals.  There were lots of antelope and gazelle around, and at one point we spied a lioness in the distance walking through a herd of zebra.  Every animal stopped and just watched.  We were too far for pictures, but the driver tried to parallel her path hoping we would see her again, but to no avail.  Then I got this great picture of a zebra rolling in the road I assume scratching his or her back.

Right when we were about to head back to the hotel we came across 5 giraffe munching on trees right beside the road.  We snapped a few photos and then just watched them through the binoculars.  It was amazing to see them eat the thorny bushes with their huge tongues working around all the hazards in the trees.  Again, these are just truly magnificent creatures.

We got back to the hotel, had a quick bite to eat, and I headed out with a few other folks on a horseback ride through Mt Kenya National Park.  It was very relaxing but I think my back will pay for it tomorrow.  The one amazing animal we did spot on our ride was an albino zebra.  (Again you’ll have to zoom to get a good look because I didn’t bring the “big” lens on the horseback ride.)

Then it was back to the hotel to relax and have a few cold Tuskers.  And, as you might have guessed, Clara is back in the room snoring away.  This vacationing is tough work!!!!

Until next time.

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