Friday, December 17, 2010

One Last Story

Clara & I are just hanging at the hotel before we head to the airport for our 2:30am flight to Africa, and I realized there was one great story I forgot to tell about last night's dinner.  I know most of you have heard the funny story about "Is your daughter napping", but here's where I get some revenge.

We sit down to dinner last night and the waiter comes over with the menus.  He hands the menu to me and says "Good Evening Mr. Jacob".  While he is still looking just at me he asks "And is this Mrs. Jacob?"  I so wanted to answer "Hell no I left the old bag at home" but I just chuckled as Clara piped in "YES IT IS".  Gotta hand it to these Muslim countries; they really know how to keep their women in the proper place!!!!!!!

"Is this Mrs. Jacob?"  That's almost as good as the "Subject to Husband's Approval" story.

And to show how well Mrs. Jacob can handle her wine here she is after her 2nd glass:

Clara is working on the next post about our 4x4 Desert Safari this afternoon, so until next time.


  1. I want to see pictures of Matt belly dancing!

  2. Oh how fun it is to read a blog written by Matthew and Clara!! (Sing this to the tune of "Dashing Through the Snow")
    It is very cold here, and warm there and I am VERY JEALOUS!!!! Know that as Christmas nears, we will all be remembering the lesson of how well high school Spanish can serve you later in life.
